The basic requirements of PERT, in its time or schedule form of application, are:
All individual tasks required to complete a given program must be visualized in a clear enough manner to be put down in a network composed of events and activities. An event denotes a specified program accomplishment at a particular instant in time. An activity represents the time and resources that are necessary to progress from one event to the next.
Events and activities must be sequenced on the network under a logical set of ground rules.
Time estimates can be made for each activity of the network on a three-way basis. Optimistic (minimum), most likely (modal), and pessimistic (maximum) performance time figures are estimated by the person or persons most familiar with the activity involved. The three-time estimates are used as a measure of uncertainty of the eventual activity duration.
Finally, critical path and slack times are computed. The critical path is that sequence of activities and events on the network that will require the greatest expected time to accomplish. Slack time is the difference between the earliest time that an activity may start (or finish) and its latest allowable start (or finish) time, as required to complete the project on schedule.
The difference between the pessimistic (b) and optimistic (a) activity performance times is used to compute the standard deviation () of the hypothetical distribution of activity performance times [ = (b − a)/6]. The PERT procedure employs these expected times and standard deviations (σ2 is called variance) to compute the probability that an event will be on schedule, that is, will occur on or before its scheduled occurrence time.
In the actual utilization of PERT, review and action by responsible managers is required, generally on a biweekly basis, concentrating on important critical path activities. A major advantage of PERT is the kind of planning required to create an initial network. Network development and critical path analysis reveal interdependencies and problem areas before the program begins that are often not obvious or well defined by conventional planning methods.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
In this essay assignment, I will summarize the chapter 8 (Controlling) from the text book (Managing Engineering and Technology) by Daniel L. Babcock and Lucy C. Morse.
Definition of Control
By B. E. Goetz “compelling events to conform to plans” another author states that “control techniques and actions are intended to insure, as far as possible, that the organization does what management wants it to do”
The Process of Control: Steps in the Control Process
First step is establishing standards of performance. These standards should be measurable, verifiable, and tangible to the extent possible.
The second step is measurement of the actual level of performance achieved. The third step is comparing performance with standards. The final step is taking corrective action.
Closed-Loop Vs Open-Loop Control
Closed-loop control (automatic or cybernetic control)
Systems that utilize feedback are called closed-loop control systems. The feedback is used to make decisions about changes to the control signal that drives the plant. An open-loop control system doesn't have or doesn't use feedback.
Closed-loop control systems typically operate at a fixed frequency. The frequency of changes to the drive signal is usually the same as the sampling rate, and certainly not any faster. After reading each new sample from the sensor, the software reacts to the plant's changed state by recalculating and adjusting the drive signal. The plant responds to this change, another sample is taken, and the cycle repeats. Eventually, the plant should reach the desired state and the software will cease making changes.
Open-loop, or no cybernetic, control requires an external monitoring system and/or an external agent to complete the control loop. Open loop is a control system that does not have a feedback loop and thus is not self-correcting.
For example, a sprinkler system, programmed to turn on at set times could be an example of an open-loop system if it does not measure soil moisture as a form of feedback. Even if rain is pouring down on the lawn, the sprinkler system would activate on schedule, wasting water. Self-correcting.
In engineering management the last step in the control process, corrective action, usually requires human judgment.
Three Perspectives on the Timing of Control
Feedback control
A system in which the value of some output quantity is controlled by feeding back the value of the controlled quantity and using it to manipulate an input quantity so as to bring the value of the controlled quantity closer to a desired value. Also known as closed-loop control system.
Feedforward control
Process control in which changes are detected at the process input and an anticipating correction signal is applied before process output is affected.
Screening or concurrent controlControls may also be applied concurrently with the effort being controlled. A new engineer may be given an unfamiliar assignment one step at a time, with review by the supervisor after each step. A production schedule may include several in-process inspection points so that further investment in defective parts can be avoided.
Characteristics of Effective Control Systems
An effective control system should satisfy most of the following criteria:
Effective, Efficient, Timely, Flexible Understandable, Tailored, Highlight deviations, and Lead to corrective action.
Nonfinancial Contrlos
Management audits
Examination and appraisal of the efficiency and effectiveness of management in carrying out its activities. Areas of auditor interest include the nature and quality of management decisions, operating results achieved, and risks undertaken.
Human resource controls
Just as essential as assuring that actual financial performance conforms to plans is assuring that human and organizational performance conform to expectations.
Two tools used to evaluate collective human and organizational performance are the management audit and human resource accounting. Finally, one should consider social controls through group values and self-control.
Human resource accounting
Method that recognizes a variety of human resources and shows them on a company's balance sheet. Under human resource accounting, a value is placed on people based on such factors as experience, education, and psychological traits, and, most importantly, future earning power (benefit) to the company. The idea has been well received by human-resource-oriented firms, such as those engaged in accounting, law, and consulting. Practical application is limited, however, primarily because of difficulty and the lack of uniform, consistent methods of quantifying the values of human resources.
By the end of this essay, you have an overview about:
· Definition of controlling
· Closed loop and open loop
· Feedback and forward and screening control
· Some glossaries of nonfinancial controls
In this essay assignment, I will summarize the chapter 8 (Controlling) from the text book (Managing Engineering and Technology) by Daniel L. Babcock and Lucy C. Morse.
Definition of Control
By B. E. Goetz “compelling events to conform to plans” another author states that “control techniques and actions are intended to insure, as far as possible, that the organization does what management wants it to do”
The Process of Control: Steps in the Control Process
First step is establishing standards of performance. These standards should be measurable, verifiable, and tangible to the extent possible.
The second step is measurement of the actual level of performance achieved. The third step is comparing performance with standards. The final step is taking corrective action.
Closed-Loop Vs Open-Loop Control
Closed-loop control (automatic or cybernetic control)
Systems that utilize feedback are called closed-loop control systems. The feedback is used to make decisions about changes to the control signal that drives the plant. An open-loop control system doesn't have or doesn't use feedback.
Closed-loop control systems typically operate at a fixed frequency. The frequency of changes to the drive signal is usually the same as the sampling rate, and certainly not any faster. After reading each new sample from the sensor, the software reacts to the plant's changed state by recalculating and adjusting the drive signal. The plant responds to this change, another sample is taken, and the cycle repeats. Eventually, the plant should reach the desired state and the software will cease making changes.
Open-loop, or no cybernetic, control requires an external monitoring system and/or an external agent to complete the control loop. Open loop is a control system that does not have a feedback loop and thus is not self-correcting.
For example, a sprinkler system, programmed to turn on at set times could be an example of an open-loop system if it does not measure soil moisture as a form of feedback. Even if rain is pouring down on the lawn, the sprinkler system would activate on schedule, wasting water. Self-correcting.
In engineering management the last step in the control process, corrective action, usually requires human judgment.
Three Perspectives on the Timing of Control
Feedback control
A system in which the value of some output quantity is controlled by feeding back the value of the controlled quantity and using it to manipulate an input quantity so as to bring the value of the controlled quantity closer to a desired value. Also known as closed-loop control system.
Feedforward control
Process control in which changes are detected at the process input and an anticipating correction signal is applied before process output is affected.
Screening or concurrent controlControls may also be applied concurrently with the effort being controlled. A new engineer may be given an unfamiliar assignment one step at a time, with review by the supervisor after each step. A production schedule may include several in-process inspection points so that further investment in defective parts can be avoided.
Characteristics of Effective Control Systems
An effective control system should satisfy most of the following criteria:
Effective, Efficient, Timely, Flexible Understandable, Tailored, Highlight deviations, and Lead to corrective action.
Nonfinancial Contrlos
Management audits
Examination and appraisal of the efficiency and effectiveness of management in carrying out its activities. Areas of auditor interest include the nature and quality of management decisions, operating results achieved, and risks undertaken.
Human resource controls
Just as essential as assuring that actual financial performance conforms to plans is assuring that human and organizational performance conform to expectations.
Two tools used to evaluate collective human and organizational performance are the management audit and human resource accounting. Finally, one should consider social controls through group values and self-control.
Human resource accounting
Method that recognizes a variety of human resources and shows them on a company's balance sheet. Under human resource accounting, a value is placed on people based on such factors as experience, education, and psychological traits, and, most importantly, future earning power (benefit) to the company. The idea has been well received by human-resource-oriented firms, such as those engaged in accounting, law, and consulting. Practical application is limited, however, primarily because of difficulty and the lack of uniform, consistent methods of quantifying the values of human resources.
By the end of this essay, you have an overview about:
· Definition of controlling
· Closed loop and open loop
· Feedback and forward and screening control
· Some glossaries of nonfinancial controls
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Companies are Choosing to Invest More in Internal Control
Survey shows improved operational performance not just regulatory compliance driving investments
30 April 2007 — Three-quarters (75%) of respondents — comprising some of the world's largest organizations — plan to invest more in internal control after seeing significant business benefits, according to a new survey by Ernst & Young.
However, despite investments already made, the Ernst & Young "Internal Control Survey 2007" — conducted among non-SEC company registrants with a turnover in excess of €1bn in 17 countries — shows that many CFOs and Heads of Internal Audit still believe some internal controls are ineffective, with the biggest 'blind spots' being controls over expansion into international markets, post-acquisition integration, and real estate and construction projects.
Controls over IT program change management and user access and security were also singled out as areas of concern.
The survey investigates whether those organizations not subject to Sarbanes-Oxley are investing in internal control; the effectiveness of controls in financial, operational, and IT areas; and whether business benefits are being derived from these investments.
Adrian Godfrey, of Ernst & Young's Risk Advisory Services, explains: "There is now widespread recognition that effective internal control directly impacts business performance in a number of areas. What arises from the survey is that this is a highly dynamic area, with management exploring the ways that taking a more professional approach to internal control can contribute to driving competitive advantage."
Survey Findings With international investors increasingly demanding more transparency and "no surprises", an interesting point to note from the survey is that 50% of respondents cite "positive influence over investor confidence" as a key business driver for future investments in internal control. Other drivers for future investments were also business benefit related, focusing mainly in enhancements to processes and the underlying control structure (89%) and better understanding of major risk areas (86%).
However, many respondents were also aware of control weaknesses or "blind spots" to potential areas of significant risk.
For financial controls, areas of potential concern were in contract accounting (48%), deferrals (37%) and tax (37%). In all cases, the proportion of respondents claiming that financial controls were "very effective" was relatively small.
In non-financial control areas there is significant scope for improvement in almost every category (between 20-40% saying "room for improvement"), and a worrying level of "don't knows/did not replies" (between 10-30%), suggesting blind spots in the organization's controls profile. The main business and operational areas with opportunities for improvement are:
Expansion into new international markets (59%)
Post-acquisition integration (58%)
Real estate/construction projects (55%)
Business continuity planning (54%) and
IT implementation/upgrades (51%)
Adrian Godfrey comments, "If the 'control professionals' are saying they don't know what is going on, that's a major concern for the board and other stakeholders in the business. Fortunately, many acknowledge the dangers and half are saying they will invest in these areas in the next 12 months."
While most respondents to the survey (57%) take a balanced approach to controls monitoring, covering strategic, compliance, operational, and financial reporting controls, 21% monitor financial reporting controls only. Adrian Godfrey continues, "This imbalance could mean that controls over some major operational risks may not be receiving any real scrutiny."
One notable absence for companies in the survey is the existence of a formal fraud prevention program — 68% do not have one in place, despite over one-third of respondents rating this as important or very important to have in place.
Analysis also suggests that the perception of the status of internal control differs according to an individual's role. While 36% of CFOs responding to the survey say that their risk assessment covers operational and business areas, only 19% of Heads of Internal Audit believe that these risk areas are assessed in their companies.
Inge Boets, Global Business Risk Services Leader for Ernst & Young, adds, "CFOs are beginning to ask questions about where to take the controls agenda wider than compliance — the answer is to shift the balance between financial controls and wider business and operational controls."
She concludes, "Establishing an internal control infrastructure that effectively covers all parts of the organization will mitigate the risks in areas that are currently overlooked or underestimated, and this will deliver major business benefits. Businesses need to ask whether they have an agenda for internal control within their organization, as the ultimate prize from effective controls is not simply a compliant business, it is a better business."
Other key findings of the survey are:
75% plan additional investments to strengthen internal controls in next 12-24 months, including key business/operational risk areas (51%); IT (49%); better alignment of internal controls to company strategy and key risks (44%); strengthening company-level controls (42%)
Over one-third (35%) do not conduct an annual risk assessment
Despite 72% assessing risks in strategic, compliance, operational, and financial areas, only 57% have a monitoring program focused on financial and operational controls, with 21% focusing monitoring on financial controls only
40% of Audit Committees are active in making sure effective internal controls exist and are operating effectively, with 16% having a limited involvement.
Ernst & Young Internal Control Survey 2007"From Compliance to Competitive Edge: New Thinking on Internal Control"Ernst & Young spoke to 140 large companies in 17 countries, spread across 20 industry sectors, which are not SEC-registered and therefore are not bound to comply with the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, although many are subject to local regulatory requirements. Respondents included CFOs, CROs, Controllers and Internal Audit Directors. Half the sample (52%) were businesses with annual revenues between €1bn and €5bn, with over 20% having revenues greater than €10bn.
About Ernst & YoungErnst & Young, a global leader in professional services, is committed to restoring the public's trust in professional services firms and in the quality of financial reporting. Its 114,000 people in 140 countries pursue the highest levels of integrity, quality, and professionalism in providing a range of sophisticated services centered on our core competencies of auditing, accounting, tax, and transactions. Further information about Ernst & Young and its approach to a variety of business issues can be found at Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited does not provide services to clients.
30 April 2007 — Three-quarters (75%) of respondents — comprising some of the world's largest organizations — plan to invest more in internal control after seeing significant business benefits, according to a new survey by Ernst & Young.
However, despite investments already made, the Ernst & Young "Internal Control Survey 2007" — conducted among non-SEC company registrants with a turnover in excess of €1bn in 17 countries — shows that many CFOs and Heads of Internal Audit still believe some internal controls are ineffective, with the biggest 'blind spots' being controls over expansion into international markets, post-acquisition integration, and real estate and construction projects.
Controls over IT program change management and user access and security were also singled out as areas of concern.
The survey investigates whether those organizations not subject to Sarbanes-Oxley are investing in internal control; the effectiveness of controls in financial, operational, and IT areas; and whether business benefits are being derived from these investments.
Adrian Godfrey, of Ernst & Young's Risk Advisory Services, explains: "There is now widespread recognition that effective internal control directly impacts business performance in a number of areas. What arises from the survey is that this is a highly dynamic area, with management exploring the ways that taking a more professional approach to internal control can contribute to driving competitive advantage."
Survey Findings With international investors increasingly demanding more transparency and "no surprises", an interesting point to note from the survey is that 50% of respondents cite "positive influence over investor confidence" as a key business driver for future investments in internal control. Other drivers for future investments were also business benefit related, focusing mainly in enhancements to processes and the underlying control structure (89%) and better understanding of major risk areas (86%).
However, many respondents were also aware of control weaknesses or "blind spots" to potential areas of significant risk.
For financial controls, areas of potential concern were in contract accounting (48%), deferrals (37%) and tax (37%). In all cases, the proportion of respondents claiming that financial controls were "very effective" was relatively small.
In non-financial control areas there is significant scope for improvement in almost every category (between 20-40% saying "room for improvement"), and a worrying level of "don't knows/did not replies" (between 10-30%), suggesting blind spots in the organization's controls profile. The main business and operational areas with opportunities for improvement are:
Expansion into new international markets (59%)
Post-acquisition integration (58%)
Real estate/construction projects (55%)
Business continuity planning (54%) and
IT implementation/upgrades (51%)
Adrian Godfrey comments, "If the 'control professionals' are saying they don't know what is going on, that's a major concern for the board and other stakeholders in the business. Fortunately, many acknowledge the dangers and half are saying they will invest in these areas in the next 12 months."
While most respondents to the survey (57%) take a balanced approach to controls monitoring, covering strategic, compliance, operational, and financial reporting controls, 21% monitor financial reporting controls only. Adrian Godfrey continues, "This imbalance could mean that controls over some major operational risks may not be receiving any real scrutiny."
One notable absence for companies in the survey is the existence of a formal fraud prevention program — 68% do not have one in place, despite over one-third of respondents rating this as important or very important to have in place.
Analysis also suggests that the perception of the status of internal control differs according to an individual's role. While 36% of CFOs responding to the survey say that their risk assessment covers operational and business areas, only 19% of Heads of Internal Audit believe that these risk areas are assessed in their companies.
Inge Boets, Global Business Risk Services Leader for Ernst & Young, adds, "CFOs are beginning to ask questions about where to take the controls agenda wider than compliance — the answer is to shift the balance between financial controls and wider business and operational controls."
She concludes, "Establishing an internal control infrastructure that effectively covers all parts of the organization will mitigate the risks in areas that are currently overlooked or underestimated, and this will deliver major business benefits. Businesses need to ask whether they have an agenda for internal control within their organization, as the ultimate prize from effective controls is not simply a compliant business, it is a better business."
Other key findings of the survey are:
75% plan additional investments to strengthen internal controls in next 12-24 months, including key business/operational risk areas (51%); IT (49%); better alignment of internal controls to company strategy and key risks (44%); strengthening company-level controls (42%)
Over one-third (35%) do not conduct an annual risk assessment
Despite 72% assessing risks in strategic, compliance, operational, and financial areas, only 57% have a monitoring program focused on financial and operational controls, with 21% focusing monitoring on financial controls only
40% of Audit Committees are active in making sure effective internal controls exist and are operating effectively, with 16% having a limited involvement.
Ernst & Young Internal Control Survey 2007"From Compliance to Competitive Edge: New Thinking on Internal Control"Ernst & Young spoke to 140 large companies in 17 countries, spread across 20 industry sectors, which are not SEC-registered and therefore are not bound to comply with the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, although many are subject to local regulatory requirements. Respondents included CFOs, CROs, Controllers and Internal Audit Directors. Half the sample (52%) were businesses with annual revenues between €1bn and €5bn, with over 20% having revenues greater than €10bn.
About Ernst & YoungErnst & Young, a global leader in professional services, is committed to restoring the public's trust in professional services firms and in the quality of financial reporting. Its 114,000 people in 140 countries pursue the highest levels of integrity, quality, and professionalism in providing a range of sophisticated services centered on our core competencies of auditing, accounting, tax, and transactions. Further information about Ernst & Young and its approach to a variety of business issues can be found at Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited does not provide services to clients.
Simon recognises that ideal type cannot be approached but still insists that people strive to be rational within limits: BOUNDED RATIONALITY. They attempt and can achieve rationality within certain limits.
1. Psychological limits: limits of cognition and calculation ‑
effects every stage of model.
eg. of planning traffic ‑ not possible to know the total effects of
even most trivial of actions like making certain street one‑way.
eg. to solve problem rationally must know what caused it: not always easy look at riots.
2. Limitations from multiple values - society no single set of values.
eg. of this College ‑ conflicting values between lectures, students and senior management.
Now if policy analyst substitutes techniques for values, doesn't substitute science, but their own value
3. Organizational limitations ‑ in large organisations specialisations means efficiency, but then lose concept of whole problem.
Notion of Ratification
Additionally problem of information flows in organisations: either get too much or too little.
Most organisations the nature of information distribution is geared more toward the needs of depts distributing information than those receiving it.
4. Cost limitations ‑ to undertake analysis for rational decision-making would need huge budget. Decision‑making very expensive and time‑consuming. Cost wouldn't decrease over time. Important because for analysis to be rational benefits must outweigh costs.
5. Situational limitations ‑ policy‑makers constrained by previous policies, can't start afresh with each new policy.
Precisely because of these limitations Simon suggests that best we can hope for is BOUNDED RATIONALITY. This is statement of what actually takes place. Simon recognises that real decision‑making doesn't approach the ideal‑type and precisely because of this that administrative theory is necessary. Task of administration theory to design rational process within organisation to limit an individuals irrationality.
Also idea of SATISFICING.‑ what policy‑makers attempt is policies that are sufficient and that satisfy.
'The individual can be rational in terms of the organization's goals only to the extent that he is able to pursue a particular course of action, he has a correct conception of the goal of the action, he is correctly informed about the conditions surrounding his action. Within the boundaries laid down by these factors his choices are rational‑goal orientated'
"Reason taken by itself is instrumental. It can't select our final goals, nor can it mediate for us in pure conflicts over what final goal to pursue ‑ we have to settle these issues in some other way. All reason can do is help us to reach agreed on goals more effectively".
But essential point is that to be as rational as possible is the essential goal ‑ aim of individuals and organizations is to be as rational as possible. Idea is that policy‑making will be improved by adopting the approach that is based on this sort of idea and uses as much analysis and as much of a scientific approach as is possible.
On an individual level one of the main challenges has come from
the idea of incrementalism, associated in particular with the work
of the US pluralist Charles Lindblom.
1. Psychological limits: limits of cognition and calculation ‑
effects every stage of model.
eg. of planning traffic ‑ not possible to know the total effects of
even most trivial of actions like making certain street one‑way.
eg. to solve problem rationally must know what caused it: not always easy look at riots.
2. Limitations from multiple values - society no single set of values.
eg. of this College ‑ conflicting values between lectures, students and senior management.
Now if policy analyst substitutes techniques for values, doesn't substitute science, but their own value
3. Organizational limitations ‑ in large organisations specialisations means efficiency, but then lose concept of whole problem.
Notion of Ratification
Additionally problem of information flows in organisations: either get too much or too little.
Most organisations the nature of information distribution is geared more toward the needs of depts distributing information than those receiving it.
4. Cost limitations ‑ to undertake analysis for rational decision-making would need huge budget. Decision‑making very expensive and time‑consuming. Cost wouldn't decrease over time. Important because for analysis to be rational benefits must outweigh costs.
5. Situational limitations ‑ policy‑makers constrained by previous policies, can't start afresh with each new policy.
Precisely because of these limitations Simon suggests that best we can hope for is BOUNDED RATIONALITY. This is statement of what actually takes place. Simon recognises that real decision‑making doesn't approach the ideal‑type and precisely because of this that administrative theory is necessary. Task of administration theory to design rational process within organisation to limit an individuals irrationality.
Also idea of SATISFICING.‑ what policy‑makers attempt is policies that are sufficient and that satisfy.
'The individual can be rational in terms of the organization's goals only to the extent that he is able to pursue a particular course of action, he has a correct conception of the goal of the action, he is correctly informed about the conditions surrounding his action. Within the boundaries laid down by these factors his choices are rational‑goal orientated'
"Reason taken by itself is instrumental. It can't select our final goals, nor can it mediate for us in pure conflicts over what final goal to pursue ‑ we have to settle these issues in some other way. All reason can do is help us to reach agreed on goals more effectively".
But essential point is that to be as rational as possible is the essential goal ‑ aim of individuals and organizations is to be as rational as possible. Idea is that policy‑making will be improved by adopting the approach that is based on this sort of idea and uses as much analysis and as much of a scientific approach as is possible.
On an individual level one of the main challenges has come from
the idea of incrementalism, associated in particular with the work
of the US pluralist Charles Lindblom.
Management information systems
In addition to supporting business operation, information systems also support the management. Management involves making decisions and some information systems support management decision making. Information systems that support management decision making can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of business operations. A decision is a choice between 2 actions. Decisions involve uncertainty, because decision makers don’t know the outcome of their decisions ahead of time. Information can reduce uncertainty, and the more information available to the decision maker, the better the decision is likely to be. Information systems improve decision making by supplying information to decision makers. These systems take raw data, analyze it according to the desires of the user, and present it in informative ways.
Information systems support management in all business functions and at all levels. Accounting information systems provide accounting information for decision making at operational, tactical, and strategic levels. Marketing, finance, manufacturing, and other information systems also provide relevant information at various levels of the organization.
The users of management information system are managers at each of the three levels of decision making. Users request information from the system and information is returned in the form of reports and query responses. The MIS database contains data that is processed to provide information to manager. The MIS software consists of application software to manipulate the data in the database. The software accepts requests, accesses data, processes the data, and produces output. The software also updates the database as needed.
Data in the database comes from both inside and outside the organization. Some internal data may be entered by managers, but most comes directly from the stored data of transaction processing systems. Data from outside the organization comes from many sources. Periodicals, government publications, and research company reports often contain useful data. The data can be accessed by personal computers with the use of data communications, or purchased in the form of databases on tape or disk or CD.
Information systems support management in all business functions and at all levels. Accounting information systems provide accounting information for decision making at operational, tactical, and strategic levels. Marketing, finance, manufacturing, and other information systems also provide relevant information at various levels of the organization.
The users of management information system are managers at each of the three levels of decision making. Users request information from the system and information is returned in the form of reports and query responses. The MIS database contains data that is processed to provide information to manager. The MIS software consists of application software to manipulate the data in the database. The software accepts requests, accesses data, processes the data, and produces output. The software also updates the database as needed.
Data in the database comes from both inside and outside the organization. Some internal data may be entered by managers, but most comes directly from the stored data of transaction processing systems. Data from outside the organization comes from many sources. Periodicals, government publications, and research company reports often contain useful data. The data can be accessed by personal computers with the use of data communications, or purchased in the form of databases on tape or disk or CD.
Some Decision Making Strategies
As you know, there are often many solutions to a given problem, and the decision maker's task is to choose one of them. The task of choosing can be as simple or as complex as the importance of the decision warrants, and the number and quality of alternatives can also be adjusted according to importance, time, resources and so on. There are several strategies used for choosing. Among them are the following:
1. Optimizing. This is the strategy of choosing the best possible solution to the problem, discovering as many alternatives as possible and choosing the very best. How thoroughly optimizing can be done is dependent on
A. importance of the problem B. time available for solving it C. cost involved with alternative solutions D. availability of resources, knowledge E. personal psychology, values
Note that the collection of complete information and the consideration of all alternatives is seldom possible for most major decisions, so that limitations must be placed on alternatives.
2. Satisficing. In this strategy, the first satisfactory alternative is chosen rather than the best alternative. If you are very hungry, you might choose to stop at the first decent looking restaurant in the next town rather than attempting to choose the best restaurant from among all (the optimizing strategy). The word satisficing was coined by combining satisfactory and sufficient. For many small decisions, such as where to park, what to drink, which pen to use, which tie to wear, and so on, the satisficing strategy is perfect.
3. Maximax. This stands for "maximize the maximums." This strategy focuses on evaluating and then choosing the alternatives based on their maximum possible payoff. This is sometimes described as the strategy of the optimist, because favorable outcomes and high potentials are the areas of concern. It is a good strategy for use when risk taking is most acceptable, when the go-for-broke philosophy is reigning freely.
4. Maximin. This stands for "maximize the minimums." In this strategy, that of the pessimist, the worst possible outcome of each decision is considered and the decision with the highest minimum is chosen. The Maximin orientation is good when the consequences of a failed decision are particularly harmful or undesirable. Maximin concentrates on the salvage value of a decision, or of the guaranteed return of the decision. It's the philosophy behind the saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
Quiz shows exploit the uncertainty many people feel when they are not quite sure whether to go with a maximax strategy or a maximin one: "Okay, Mrs. Freen, you can now choose to take what you've already won and go home, or risk losing it all and find out what's behind door number three."
Example: I could put my $10,000 in a genetic engineering company, and if it creates and patents a new bacteria that helps plants resist frost, I could make $50,000. But I could also lose the whole $10,000. But if I invest in a soap company, I might make only $20,000, but if the company goes completely broke and gets liquidated, I'll still get back $7,000 of my investment, based on its book value.
Example: It's fourth down and ten yards to go on your twenty yard line. Do you go for a long pass or punt? Maximax would be to pass; Maximin would be to punt.
1. Optimizing. This is the strategy of choosing the best possible solution to the problem, discovering as many alternatives as possible and choosing the very best. How thoroughly optimizing can be done is dependent on
A. importance of the problem B. time available for solving it C. cost involved with alternative solutions D. availability of resources, knowledge E. personal psychology, values
Note that the collection of complete information and the consideration of all alternatives is seldom possible for most major decisions, so that limitations must be placed on alternatives.
2. Satisficing. In this strategy, the first satisfactory alternative is chosen rather than the best alternative. If you are very hungry, you might choose to stop at the first decent looking restaurant in the next town rather than attempting to choose the best restaurant from among all (the optimizing strategy). The word satisficing was coined by combining satisfactory and sufficient. For many small decisions, such as where to park, what to drink, which pen to use, which tie to wear, and so on, the satisficing strategy is perfect.
3. Maximax. This stands for "maximize the maximums." This strategy focuses on evaluating and then choosing the alternatives based on their maximum possible payoff. This is sometimes described as the strategy of the optimist, because favorable outcomes and high potentials are the areas of concern. It is a good strategy for use when risk taking is most acceptable, when the go-for-broke philosophy is reigning freely.
4. Maximin. This stands for "maximize the minimums." In this strategy, that of the pessimist, the worst possible outcome of each decision is considered and the decision with the highest minimum is chosen. The Maximin orientation is good when the consequences of a failed decision are particularly harmful or undesirable. Maximin concentrates on the salvage value of a decision, or of the guaranteed return of the decision. It's the philosophy behind the saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
Quiz shows exploit the uncertainty many people feel when they are not quite sure whether to go with a maximax strategy or a maximin one: "Okay, Mrs. Freen, you can now choose to take what you've already won and go home, or risk losing it all and find out what's behind door number three."
Example: I could put my $10,000 in a genetic engineering company, and if it creates and patents a new bacteria that helps plants resist frost, I could make $50,000. But I could also lose the whole $10,000. But if I invest in a soap company, I might make only $20,000, but if the company goes completely broke and gets liquidated, I'll still get back $7,000 of my investment, based on its book value.
Example: It's fourth down and ten yards to go on your twenty yard line. Do you go for a long pass or punt? Maximax would be to pass; Maximin would be to punt.
Forcasting customer demand at Taco Bell
Like most quick service restaurants, Taco Bell understands the quantitative trade-off between labor and speed of service. More than 50% of the $5 billion company's daily sales come from the 3-hour lunch period. Customers don't like to wait more than 3 minutes for services, so it is critical that proper staffing is in place at all times.
Taco Bell tested a series of forecasting models to predict demand in specific 15-minute intervals during each day of the week. The company's goal was to find the technique that minimized the average square deviation between actual and predicted data. Because company computers only stored 6 weeks of transaction data, exponential smoothing was not considered. Results indicated that a 6-week moving average was best.
Building this forecasting methodology into each of Taco Bell's 6,500 stores' computers, the model makes weekly projections of customer transactions. These in turn are used by store managers to schedule staff, who begin in 15-minute increments, not one-hour blocks as in other industries. The forecasting model has been so successful that Taco Bell has documented more than $50 million in labor cost savings, while increasing customer service, in its first four years of use.
Taco Bell tested a series of forecasting models to predict demand in specific 15-minute intervals during each day of the week. The company's goal was to find the technique that minimized the average square deviation between actual and predicted data. Because company computers only stored 6 weeks of transaction data, exponential smoothing was not considered. Results indicated that a 6-week moving average was best.
Building this forecasting methodology into each of Taco Bell's 6,500 stores' computers, the model makes weekly projections of customer transactions. These in turn are used by store managers to schedule staff, who begin in 15-minute increments, not one-hour blocks as in other industries. The forecasting model has been so successful that Taco Bell has documented more than $50 million in labor cost savings, while increasing customer service, in its first four years of use.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Industrial Engineering and Management
World leadership-whether for nations, states or individual companies-depends upon providing the highest quality in goods and services at costs that are affordable to the widest possible audience. Retaining world-class status requires relentless continuous improvement in all aspects of the business or governmental enterprise. Industrial engineers focus on the processes for achieving quality, continuous improvement and cost effectiveness for all types of enterprises-manufacturers, service industries, non-profits and governments. The ProfessionIndustrial engineers work in every type of enterprise-manufacturers of every sort of industrial and consumer product; healthcare, financial, transportation, distribution and other types of service industries; governmental units and agencies. Where most branches of engineering are concerned with designing products, industrial engineering concentrates on designing, installing and improving procedures and systems for effective and efficient operation of enterprises.
Industrial engineering has a unique focus, as well as extraordinary breadth. The primary idea is to apply systematic, disciplined, engineered thinking to all types of human enterprise. Often this means applying lessons that have been hard won in the industrial sector to service oriented enterprises, such as healthcare, transportation and government. Often, advancements in quality, cost effectiveness and timeliness that have been learned in the crucible of global industrial competition can be extended to service providers. Industrial engineers are the people who do this.
The industrial engineer functions at all levels of the enterprise. The knowledge and skills learned in an industrial engineering program equip a person to rise through an organization to the highest levels. Virtually every activity in an enterprise can be a professional home for industrial engineers: operations management, information systems, accounting, finance, supply chain management, human resources, marketing. At every level and in all types of activity, industrial engineers design and develop operating plans and procedures that permit effective use of human and economic resources. Industrial engineers frequently work in teams with other professions, often as the bridge between the technological and business people in the organization.
Industrial engineering has a unique focus, as well as extraordinary breadth. The primary idea is to apply systematic, disciplined, engineered thinking to all types of human enterprise. Often this means applying lessons that have been hard won in the industrial sector to service oriented enterprises, such as healthcare, transportation and government. Often, advancements in quality, cost effectiveness and timeliness that have been learned in the crucible of global industrial competition can be extended to service providers. Industrial engineers are the people who do this.
The industrial engineer functions at all levels of the enterprise. The knowledge and skills learned in an industrial engineering program equip a person to rise through an organization to the highest levels. Virtually every activity in an enterprise can be a professional home for industrial engineers: operations management, information systems, accounting, finance, supply chain management, human resources, marketing. At every level and in all types of activity, industrial engineers design and develop operating plans and procedures that permit effective use of human and economic resources. Industrial engineers frequently work in teams with other professions, often as the bridge between the technological and business people in the organization.
Knowledge Management vs Knowledge Engineering
The terms knowledge management and knowledge engineering seem to be used as interchangeably as the terms data and information used to be. But if you were to ask either a manager or an engineer if their jobs were the same, I doubt if you would get them to agree they were. A brief examination of the terms management and engineering shows that to manage is to exercise executive, administrative and supervisory direction, where as, to engineer is to lay out, construct, or contrive or plan out, usually with more or less subtle skill and craft.
The main difference seems to be that the (knowledge) manager establishes the direction the process should take, where as the (knowledge) engineer develops the means to accomplish that direction. Not all that much different from the relationships in any other discipline.
So therefor we should find the knowledge managers concerned with the knowledge needs of the enterprise. We should see them doing the research to understand what knowledge is needed to make what decision and enable what actions. They should be taking a key role in the design of the enterprise and from the needs of the enterprise establishing the enterprise level knowledge management policies. It is to the knowledge managers that the user should go with their "need to know".
On the other hand, if we were look in on the knowledge engineers we should find them working on such areas as data and information representation and encoding methodologies, data repositories, work flow management, groupware technologies, etc,. The knowledge engineers would most likely be researching the technologies needed to meet the enterprise's knowledge management needs. The knowledge engineers should also be establishing the processes by which knowledge requests are examined, information assembled, and knowledge returned to the requestor.
What is significant in both of these "job descriptions" is that nowhere do I claim that either is the "owner" of the enterprise knowledge, information, or data. Ownership remains the prerogative of the enterprise, or the enterprise element manager, or even the individual depending on the established policies for enterprise level knowledge ownership.
As we might well expect, other views exist as to the roles of the knowledge manager and the knowledge engineer. For example, to the developer of knowledge-base computer software systems, the knowledge engineer is most likely a computer scientist specializing the development of artificial intelligence knowledge bases. From the view of the corporate board-room the knowledge manager may be the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or the person in charge of the Information Resource Management (IRM). The point is, when discussing terms such as knowledge manager or knowledge engineer, or any other role designation, it is important that all parties share a clear mutual understanding.
The main difference seems to be that the (knowledge) manager establishes the direction the process should take, where as the (knowledge) engineer develops the means to accomplish that direction. Not all that much different from the relationships in any other discipline.
So therefor we should find the knowledge managers concerned with the knowledge needs of the enterprise. We should see them doing the research to understand what knowledge is needed to make what decision and enable what actions. They should be taking a key role in the design of the enterprise and from the needs of the enterprise establishing the enterprise level knowledge management policies. It is to the knowledge managers that the user should go with their "need to know".
On the other hand, if we were look in on the knowledge engineers we should find them working on such areas as data and information representation and encoding methodologies, data repositories, work flow management, groupware technologies, etc,. The knowledge engineers would most likely be researching the technologies needed to meet the enterprise's knowledge management needs. The knowledge engineers should also be establishing the processes by which knowledge requests are examined, information assembled, and knowledge returned to the requestor.
What is significant in both of these "job descriptions" is that nowhere do I claim that either is the "owner" of the enterprise knowledge, information, or data. Ownership remains the prerogative of the enterprise, or the enterprise element manager, or even the individual depending on the established policies for enterprise level knowledge ownership.
As we might well expect, other views exist as to the roles of the knowledge manager and the knowledge engineer. For example, to the developer of knowledge-base computer software systems, the knowledge engineer is most likely a computer scientist specializing the development of artificial intelligence knowledge bases. From the view of the corporate board-room the knowledge manager may be the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or the person in charge of the Information Resource Management (IRM). The point is, when discussing terms such as knowledge manager or knowledge engineer, or any other role designation, it is important that all parties share a clear mutual understanding.
Objective of Engineering Management
Engineering Management is not generally understood or is misunderstood. Engineering Management is defined within probably the greatest literary work defining Engineering practices i.e., MIL-STD-XXXX, etc. Classification is a problem as engineering management should be a class on its own not just associated with the classes ‘Engineering’ or ‘Management’.The MIL-STDs have been the major corner-stone to establishing a unified approach to standardization, however, being so definitive they have become somewhat rigid in their application and understanding. They cannot be comprehended in a short space of time and anyone spending large amounts of time in their comprehension tend to detract from the original task. What is needed is a usable interpretation of the (or what they were since rationalization) MIL-STDs used with state-of-the-art communication methods to promote standardization of all large and complex technical systems at a project level. Basically, all participants in the project need instructions (preferably written) of what they must do to complete their task or objective. These can be broken down into activities and the results documented in a standardized way. This approach has a similarity to Charles Babbage's engineer "Whitworth" whose conclusion that if the analytical engine was to be built then a standardized screw thread would be necessary to keep it in tolerance and together. (Whitworth established a standardized screw thread which made possible the independent parts manufacture of the then large and complex machines (steam engines, cotton/wool manufacturing machines, industrial machines, etc.,) thus revolutionizing and establishing ‘engineering’ at the time. In modern large and complex systems the most important items have become the information (control and data) describing their architecture, use, design, interfacing, and implementation whether it be on paper or electronic media. The key is that people who do this work need detailed direction of what must be specified, defined, etc., and consequently verified and validated at all stages. This can be achieved by providing example texts to identify work instructions, code of practice, style, layout, etc., during all phases of design of a project. It is asserted that data and documentation are to a system like the screws that hold together the mechanical machines. It was the use of a common screw thread not that a screw thread was used that was important.
SWOT assignment
Engineering Management
Section: 1
0516358 Abdullah Salim Yamani
In this assignment, I will take IKEA company as example for SWOT analysis.
Analysis SWOT
The customer assemble by him self
High prices
There is no free service
Miscommunication between customer and the company
The products of the company are very good in quality
The company has good and young designer
Low prices
Applying (help your self) idea to decrease the prices
Make the customer assemble the product for low prices
The service is there for you but with additional prices
Packaging products in a flat way to help customer to carry out it easily
The name of the brand
International company
Cheap Chinese products
Other stores that has more services
The changing economy and politics
The changing in IT sector
Electronic trading
New markets
Benefit from international organizations
Engineering Management
Section: 1
0516358 Abdullah Salim Yamani
In this assignment, I will take IKEA company as example for SWOT analysis.
Analysis SWOT
The customer assemble by him self
High prices
There is no free service
Miscommunication between customer and the company
The products of the company are very good in quality
The company has good and young designer
Low prices
Applying (help your self) idea to decrease the prices
Make the customer assemble the product for low prices
The service is there for you but with additional prices
Packaging products in a flat way to help customer to carry out it easily
The name of the brand
International company
Cheap Chinese products
Other stores that has more services
The changing economy and politics
The changing in IT sector
Electronic trading
New markets
Benefit from international organizations
Engineering the Profession
The Electrical Engineering is the most important branch of Engineering and it is getting more and more. So, I decide to research about some answers for questions which come to our minds, about Engineering and specially the profession of Electrical Engineering.
Here some examples, what kind of problems do Engineer dealing with?
What is the type of projects did he work on it?
I hope a good time for you with this few pages.
What is Engineering?
Engineering is defined as the application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.(1)
…the application of scientific knowledge about matter and energy for practical human uses such as construction, machinery, products, or systems. (2)
Joseph W. Barker gives a more detailed description of engineering in the McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of engineering (2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1993. Pages 409-410.
“Most simply, the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and the convenience of humans. In its modern form engineering involves people, money, materials, machines, and energy. It is differentiated from science because it is primarily concerned with how to direct to useful and economical ends the natural phenomena which scientists discover and formulate into acceptable theories. Engineering therefore requires above all the creative imagination to innovate useful applications of natural phenomena. It is always dissatisfied with present methods and equipment. It seeks newer, cheaper, better means of using natural sources of energy and materials to improve the standard of living and to diminish toil. Traditionally there were two divisions or disciplines, military engineering and civil engineering. As knowledge of natural phenomena grew and the potential civil applications became more complex, the civil engineering discipline tended to become more and more specialized. The practicing engineer began to restrict operations to narrower channels. For instance, civil engineering came to be concerned primarily with static structures, such as dams, bridges, and buildings, whereas mechanical engineering split off to concentrate on dynamic structures, such as machinery and engines. Similarly, mining engineering became concerned with the discovery of, and removal from, geological structures of metalliferous ore bodies, whereas metallurgical engineering involved extraction and refinement of the metals from the ores. From the practical applications of electricity and chemistry, electrical and chemical engineering arose.
Professional Societies
There are many professional societies for electrical engineers such as:
The IEE is an innovative international organization for electronics, electrical, manufacturing and IT professionals, with specifically tailored products, services and qualifications to meet the needs of today's technology industry.
The IEEE is a non-profit, technical professional association of more than 350,000 individual members in 150 countries. Through its members, the IEEE is a leading authority in technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace and consumer electronics, among others. Through its technical publishing, conferences, and consensus-based standards activities, the IEEE produces 30 percent of the world's published literature in electrical engineering, computers and control technology, holds annually more than 300 major conferences, and has more than 800 active standards with 700 under development.
Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the association of U.S. shareholder-owned electric companies, international affiliates and industry associates worldwide. Its U.S. members serve over 90 percent of all customers served by the shareholder-owned segment of the industry. They generate approximately three-quarters of all the electricity generated by electric companies in the country and service about 70 percent of all ultimate customers in the nation. EEI's mission focuses on advocating public policy, expanding market opportunities, and providing strategic business information. (3)
Electrical Engineering Careers
The Electrical Engineering Graduates may assume job responsibilities in the following sectors:First: Analysis, design, operating and maintenance of all the equipments included in all power stations.Second: Analysis, design, operating and maintenance of all the equipments for electronic and communications systems.Third: Analysis, design, operating and maintenance of all the computer equipments and peripherals together with the software facilities.Fourth: Design and developing medical equipments for clinics and hospitals for easing patient problems. (4) The website of faculty of engineering (KAAU)
Some Tasks
Confer with engineers, customers, and others to discuss existing or potential engineering projects and products.
Design, implement, maintain, and improve electrical instruments, equipment, facilities, components, products, and systems for commercial, industrial, and domestic purposes.
Operate computer-assisted engineering and design software and equipment to perform engineering tasks.
Direct and coordinate manufacturing, construction, installation, maintenance, support, documentation, and testing activities to ensure compliance with specifications, codes, and customer requirements.
Perform detailed calculations to compute and establish manufacturing, construction, and installation standards and specifications.
Inspect completed installations and observe operations, to ensure conformance to design and equipment specifications and compliance with operational and safety standards.
Plan and implement research methodology and procedures to apply principles of electrical theory to engineering projects.
Prepare specifications for purchase of materials and equipment.
Supervise and train project team members as necessary.
Investigate and test vendors' and competitors' products.(5)
Work Activities
Interacting With Computers — Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.
Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work — Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work.
Getting Information — Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
Making Decisions and Solving Problems — Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
Analyzing Data or Information — Identifying the underlying principles, reasons, or facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts.
Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge — Keeping up-to-date technically and applying new knowledge to your job.
Thinking Creatively — Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.
Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates — Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
Documenting/Recording Information — Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form.
Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards — Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.
Work Styles
Attention to Detail — Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.
Analytical Thinking — Job requires analyzing information and using logic to address work-related issues and problems.
Dependability — Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.
Integrity — Job requires being honest and ethical.
Self Control — Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations.
Initiative — Job requires a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges.
Stress Tolerance — Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations.
Cooperation — Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude.
Achievement/Effort — Job requires establishing and maintaining personally challenging achievement goals and exerting effort toward mastering tasks.
Adaptability/Flexibility — Job requires being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace.
Engineering license
Why should I become a licensed engineer?
There are 5 reasons to become licensed:
1. All 50 states(in the U.S) have adopted laws requiring engineers to obtain a license prior to engaging in private practice, providing engineering consultation, performing engineering services, entering into contracts, or submitting original designs, plans, or specifications for approval.
2. Many companies consider licensing important when assigning supervisory tasks to their employees.
3. Many companies consider licensing important for employee advancement along technical lines.
4. Many city, state, and government agencies now require PE licenses for all their employees who perform responsible engineering duties of any kind.
5. Licensing is required to be an expert witness. (6)
*Engineering is the application of scientific knowledge about matter and energy for practical human uses such as construction, machinery, products , or systems.
*Professional Society is organization which contains people or companies that has common goals about specific field.
Such as: international organization for electronics (IEE)
Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
*Electrical engineer can work in many companies in the government and private.
Some companies that can hire electrical engineers: oil, electricity, telecom, computer,
* Electrical engineer has some tasks and work activities: Interacting with Computers, Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work, Dependability, Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge, Making Decisions and Solving Problems, Getting Information, Dependability, Thinking Creatively.
* Like any profession, Engineering has a license.
1. The American heritage dictionary.1992
4. The website of faculty of engineering (KAAU)
Conversation between programmer and his wife
Wife : Have you brought the groceryHusband: Bad command or filename.
Wife : But I told you in the morning!Husband : Syntax Error. Abort
Wife: What about my new TVHusband : Variable not found….
Wife: At least, give me your Credit Card, I want to do some shopping.Husband : Sharing Violation. Access denied.
Wife: Do you love me or do you love computers or are you just being funnyHusband : Too many parameters….
Wife: It was a great mistake that I married an idiot like you.Husband : data type mismatch.
Wife: You are useless.Husband : It’s by default.
Wife: What about your SalaryHusband : File in use …. Try later.
Wife: What is my value in the familyHusband : Unknown Virus
Wife : But I told you in the morning!Husband : Syntax Error. Abort
Wife: What about my new TVHusband : Variable not found….
Wife: At least, give me your Credit Card, I want to do some shopping.Husband : Sharing Violation. Access denied.
Wife: Do you love me or do you love computers or are you just being funnyHusband : Too many parameters….
Wife: It was a great mistake that I married an idiot like you.Husband : data type mismatch.
Wife: You are useless.Husband : It’s by default.
Wife: What about your SalaryHusband : File in use …. Try later.
Wife: What is my value in the familyHusband : Unknown Virus
Introduction ( Journal 1)
Engineering management is a field that bridges the gap between engineering and management.
Engineering Management involves the overall management of organizations with an orientation to manufacturing, engineering, technology or production. Programs are available that provide Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D degrees. Undergraduate programs provide generalist degrees that enable engineers to better deal in the business environment. Master's Degrees in Engineering Management provide a technical-based alternative to traditional MBA programs. Industrial and professional associations such as engineers' societies also offer certification programs that validate Engineering Management knowledge and skills. Specialization areas in both degree and certification programs may include management of technology, product and process, quality, organizational management, operations management, program management, marketing and finance.
Engineering Management education is generally imparted at the graduate level. Candidates are required possess an academic undergraduate degree with a major in Engineering, Computer Science, Math or the Sciences. The length of study for such a degree is usually between a year and two and the completed degree may be designated as a Master of Engineering Management, MS in Engineering Management, MS in Technology or Innovation Management or MS in Management Science & Engineering, depending upon the university. The degree generally includes units covering Management, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance and Project Management, among many others. Students often choose to specialize in one or more sub-disciplines such as Marketing, Finance, Healthcare and Energy.
Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is "the technical and human aspects of quality and productivity". Another definition is "the design of complete productive processes". The second definition differentiates Industrial from other branches of engineering which tend to concentrate on the design of things, or on parts of a productive process. IE by contrast considers the entire productive activity. Table 1 gives an official definition from the Institution of Engineers, Australia. All businesses need high calibre people who can consider the productive system comprehensively and who can design systems which can increase productivity and make products of higher quality. Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is specifically aimed to be training for such tasks.
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management is the technical and human aspects of quality and productivity. Official Australian definition: "Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is the engineering discipline concerned with the planning, organising and operation of industrial facilities and processes for the economic, safe and effective use of physical and human resources. Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is applied design for the integration of material, human and financial resources, and of production sequences and methods, optimum flows and layouts, and of work methods and procedures, labour organisation, and in economic evaluation of facilities, processes or techniques. Specific expertise areas include:
Engineering Management involves the overall management of organizations with an orientation to manufacturing, engineering, technology or production. Programs are available that provide Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D degrees. Undergraduate programs provide generalist degrees that enable engineers to better deal in the business environment. Master's Degrees in Engineering Management provide a technical-based alternative to traditional MBA programs. Industrial and professional associations such as engineers' societies also offer certification programs that validate Engineering Management knowledge and skills. Specialization areas in both degree and certification programs may include management of technology, product and process, quality, organizational management, operations management, program management, marketing and finance.
Engineering Management education is generally imparted at the graduate level. Candidates are required possess an academic undergraduate degree with a major in Engineering, Computer Science, Math or the Sciences. The length of study for such a degree is usually between a year and two and the completed degree may be designated as a Master of Engineering Management, MS in Engineering Management, MS in Technology or Innovation Management or MS in Management Science & Engineering, depending upon the university. The degree generally includes units covering Management, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance and Project Management, among many others. Students often choose to specialize in one or more sub-disciplines such as Marketing, Finance, Healthcare and Energy.
Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is "the technical and human aspects of quality and productivity". Another definition is "the design of complete productive processes". The second definition differentiates Industrial from other branches of engineering which tend to concentrate on the design of things, or on parts of a productive process. IE by contrast considers the entire productive activity. Table 1 gives an official definition from the Institution of Engineers, Australia. All businesses need high calibre people who can consider the productive system comprehensively and who can design systems which can increase productivity and make products of higher quality. Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is specifically aimed to be training for such tasks.
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management is the technical and human aspects of quality and productivity. Official Australian definition: "Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is the engineering discipline concerned with the planning, organising and operation of industrial facilities and processes for the economic, safe and effective use of physical and human resources. Industrial engineering and Engineering Management is applied design for the integration of material, human and financial resources, and of production sequences and methods, optimum flows and layouts, and of work methods and procedures, labour organisation, and in economic evaluation of facilities, processes or techniques. Specific expertise areas include:
Industrial engineering practices
Materials Handling engineering
Operations research Safety and environmental engineering
Manufacturing process engineering
Methods engineering Quality. assurance and control
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